Announcement #3: I LIIIIIVE!

Hello, hello, hello! I am alive here again!

I do apologize for not posting for quite a while. It has been over three months since my last post and I have been meaning to keep this sideblog alive because I want to have a space where all of my poems can be placed.

I was battling writer’s block for quite a while. I should’ve lined up posts from my old poetry blogs but I felt that new content must be mixed. I conquered writer’s block a few weeks ago and I had been writing snippets of poems. I shall organize that and post it here! Whee!

Besides writer’s block, I have been getting sick and getting busy every so often. Sometimes, I get sick and busy at the same time. Even my main blog is suffering and I’ve been meaning to come up with ways to make things better.

So, for this blog, I will be posting more of my old poems until I organize the snippets. I’ll be lining up one every other day and will insert Spark Notes every now and then. 😀

I do hope that everyone is well since the last time I’ve heard from everyone. 😀
