Announcement: Look Who’s Back on WP!

Hi everyone!

It has been a really long while since I was here. I hope everyone is doing well, despite the current pandemic.

A lot of things have happened since my last post. Mostly, life happened. I moved platforms (WP to IG to Twitter to IG), wrote more micro poems, and even lost my magic along the way. It sucks, really. But I managed to get back on the writing horse and here I am today, writing again.

With my current drive, rise in following on IG and Twitter, and a sweet message from a fellow writer (shout out to undestinedpieces!) on IG, I decided to go back to WordPress and create it as the home of my lengthier poems and as my sound board for writing. I have this need to talk about the journey and hopefully learn from both readers and writers here in WordPress.

The content I will be posting in the coming days are relatively new – around a month old. I joined a NaPoWriMo writing contest this year and a number of my poems there are long. Given its length, I do not think it is suitable for posting in both IG and Twitter, as both platforms work best for mirco poetry and not much for lengthier ones. (I actually dislike reading long poems on IG, especially if they are squeezed into one square image. The text is too small.)

The post will be scheduled daily, starting with a poem on day 1 (today) until day 5. Then, the story behind writing the five poems will be posted on day 6. I will post a snippet on both IG and Twitter with the link back here although I was told I can’t do the latter in IG so I might just mention to head to the link on my IG bio.

There is also another thing. I joined this local writing platform called Weirdo’s Diary. That platform has an online writing contest and I would like to have some of my poems from the contest there. I am still debating if I would be cross posting the poems here. Initially, I told undestinedpieces I would but maybe not so that the views will be centered there since there is a category there for Most Views.

What do you think? These are my current options:
1. Cross post
2. Do not cross post but write about the journey here
3. Do not cross post and write about the journey there

Please let me know your thoughts on the comments section below.

Do look forward to new content here. Thank you so much and please stay safe!

Sincerely, Anj

PS: I was pretty morbid and dark in the years I stayed here. Haha. I don’t think I am that morbid anymore, though.
PPS: That chapbook page doesn’t even have LINKS to the poems. I should fix that… and cringe at my old work.
PPPS: I am revising the Spark Notes category to Journey Notes so that I don’t get sued for using a trademarked brand/name.

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